• Steriflow Saturated Steam

    Saturated Steam Autoclave
    It is particularly well-adapted for all the decontamination processes in the pharmaceutical industry (opened bottles, instruments, Petri dishes, textiles…). All products are sterilized with the use of pure steam. At the beginning of the cycle the air from the tank is removed by the vacuum pump (2 to 3 vacuum cycles). Then the steam is introduced at the appropriate pressure (or temperature) to sterilize the product. The heating level is met. Various phases are usually repeated 2 to 3 times. Refrigeration is realized through internal exchangers and by vacuum drying (evaporation).

    Technical characteristics:

    • Material: stainless steel 304L or 316L.
    • Diameter: 900 mm. (capacity from 200 L.) and 1300 mm. up to 2000 mm.
    • Capacity: from 2oo L.


    • Pure steam sterilization with vacuum system.
    • Quick refrigeration through drying, internal exchangers and final vacuuming.

    Product and packaging types
    • Opened bottles.
    • Instruments.
    • Petri dishes
    • Textiles

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  • Steriflow Shaka Cascading Water

    Once the basket is locked into the Shaka®, the process involves three temperature stages : rising, holding temperature and final cooling. You may select the shaking frequency as soon as the temperature rises. Preheated water and direct-steam humidification are used to reduce this Heating up phase. The cycle time is reduced 5 to 10 times by using high frequency shaking. This is resulting in radical changes of the heat transfer coefficient from the product. This type of retort also gives you the opportunity to run at higher than normal temperatures. There is no overcooking, no loss of texture of the product. You get a colored, high-quality product, which does not disintegrate and with an incomparable flavor due to the reduction in the cycle time. A significant difference compared to Static or Rotary retort. During the entire cycle, shell internal pressure is regulated by injection or direct exhaust with two automatic valves controlled by the MPI.

    Technical specifications :
    Standard sizes:

    • 900 mm.
    • 1,300 mm.

    • Healthier products, best preserved.
    • A better conservation of vitamins and polyphenols.
    • A decrease in the use of salt, preserve the taste and nutritional value of food.
    • A more consistent texture, tests were carried out on delicate products such as courgetti and eggplant.
    • Cooling tempo for packaging is done with sterile water.

    Types of packaging or products
    • Liquids such as sauces, soups…
    • Viscous products (baby food…)
    • Glass jars.

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  • Steriflow Static Cascading Water

    Steriflow Static for the discharge of superheated water
    Each cycle takes place automatically, in conformity with the saved parameters, including highly accurate control of air back-pressure regardless of the temperature. Water is sprayed over the products to be treated with great intensity. The hydraulic circuit of water in S* takes place as follows: pumping, Platular® exchange, douching arrangement, water flow over the products, douching and filtration arrangement, pumping. STERIFLOW water flow system allows the refrigeration of products, using sterile water.
    This autoclave is perfectly adapted for < 105°C processes.

    Technical specifications :
    Standard diameters:

    • 900 mm.
    • 1,300 mm.
    • 1,450 mm.
    • 1,600 mm.
    • 1,800 mm.
    • 2,000 mm.
    • 2,100 mm (the first of its category in 1982),
    • 2,300 mm (the first in 1984).
    • Capacity from 2 to 7 baskets (depending on diameter).

    • Perfect reproducibility of the programmed cycles.
    • Air back-pressure management regardless of the temperature.
    • Minimal maintenance costs.
    • Designed in a way that maximally reduces the amount of liquid used in the process.

    Product and packaging types
    All types of packaging including:

    • large pouches
    • Non-PVC pouches
    • Glass or plastic ampoules
    • Bottles
    • Glass bottles

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  • Steriflow Static Water Cascading

    Perfectly suited for the food industry, this autoclave combines simple use and reliable construction – guaranteeing more longevity. If we had to sum up our Steriflow Static in 2 words it would be simplicity and solidity. An autoclave that is both reassuring thanks to its consistency and complies with current requirements as it is less energyconsuming than most of its competitors. This autoclave is perfectly suited for food sterilization.

    How a Steriflow Static autoclave works and is used : The Steriflow Static is fitted with a powerful pump, for shorter and more homogeneous cycles. All the products inside the autoclave get the same thermal treatment, regardless of their position. The reduced cycle time also ensures better results.

    Technical specifications :
    Standard diameters:

    • 900 mm,
    • 1,300 mm, this diameter corresponds to the maximum size of a manual basket (476 1/1 cans) and a capacity of 1 to 12 baskets.
    • 1,450 mm,
    • 1,600 mm,
    • 1,800 mm,
    • 2,000 mm,
    • 2,100 mm (the first of its category in 1982),
    • 2,300 mm (the first in 1984).
    • With a capacity of 2 to 7 baskets.

    • As the number of mechanical parts is reduced, there are fewer mechanical breakdowns. This has an impact on maintenance costs, which are of course lower.
    • Given its simple use, training time is also greatly reduced.
    • High level of flexibility: it can adapt to all types of packaging (cans, jars, glass or plastic jars, etc.).
    • All products are cooled with sterilized water.

    Product and packaging types
    This autoclave is adapted to all types of packaging :

    • large pouches
    • plastic trays
    • small pouches
    • plastic or glass containers/jars
    • cans, etc.

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  • Tiger

    Automatic linear self-adhesive labelling machine.

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  • Typical Applications

    Typical applications are solid food products such as: apricots, beans, blackberries, blueberries, carrots, capers, cereals, cherries, chickpeas, sweet corn, cut green beans, diced peaches, diced tomatoes, grapes, lentils, olives, pasta, peanuts, beans, pineapples, potatoes, raspberries, ravioli, rice, sliced mushrooms, cut olives, half peaches, half pears, tomatoes, strawberries, whole mushrooms, cherries under spirits, meat, ready meals…
    Granular and powder products: sugar, salt, tea, infusions, …
    Liquid or dense food products and non-carbonated soft drinks: apple juice, baby food, brine, chocolate spread, sweet corn cream, honey, jam, jelly, juices with and without pieces, ketchup, mayonnaise, milk, edible oil, mustard, nectars, pâté, puree, ratatouille, sauces, sweetened condensed milk, syrups, tomato juice, tomato paste, sauces with and without pieces, fruit juices, non-carbonated soft drinks, tea, vinegar, ragout…
    Pet food products: chunks, pâté, slurry…
    Chemicals products: lubricant oils, mineral oils, …

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